Tall Oaks Student Government


Tall Oaks Student Government

The purposes of the student government include:

  •  Providing an opportunity for students to practice leadership skills and learn to work within an organization.
  • To plan student events that promote the fellowship and spiritual development of Tall Oaks students and give them an opportunity for service to the school and the community.
  • To give a voice to students as they make a positive contribution to the Tall Oaks community.

Student Responsibilities:

As a body, the Student Government will perform the following functions:

  • Planning: The Student Government has the responsibility to plan events in keeping with its stated purposes.
  • Communication: The Student Government has the responsibility to communicate its plans and activities with the school administration, in particular the Principal, the other members of the Student Government, the student body, the parents, the teachers, and the staff.
  • The Student Government has the responsibility to seek approval from the Principal for its plans and policies.
  • The Student Government has the responsibility to determine and carry out the procedures and policies it will use to carry out its business.
  • The Student Government will hold regular meetings, at least monthly. All members will be informed of all meetings.
  • Major decisions will be made by majority vote. A quorum of 75% of members must be present for any decisions to be binding. Minor procedural decisions may be made by consensus.
  • The Student Government will keep accurate and up-to-date records of its business, including minutes of all meetings and regular financial reports.