Following is an overview of school events that are planned for the year. Please consult the school calendar for exact date, time and location of each event.
Tall Oaks Back to School BBQ
WHO: All Tall Oaks Families
WHEN: An evening the week before the first day of school.
WHAT: A time to meet your Tall Oaks family! Each family may be asked to bring a dish according to your last name.
WHERE: Red Lion Campus
Grandparents Day
WHO: Grandparents and special friends of our students
WHEN: Middle - End of September
WHAT: Grandparents are treated to breakfast and have the opportunity to join their grandchildren in the classroom. Students are dismissed early so grandparents may have the option to go out to lunch and spend the afternoon with their grandchildren (signed permission slip necessary). Parent volunteers are needed for this event.
WHERE: Red Lion Campus
Reformation Day
WHO: All students
WHEN: Last week in October WHAT: Reformation Day is a half-day long event celebrating our rich heritage of the Reformation. Students dress up in period costume. Parent volunteers are vital.
WHERE: Tall Oaks building
Christmas Concert
WHO: All students (Participation is mandatory.)
WHEN: December (evening)
WHAT: Our school choirs, orchestra, and a variety of student musicians will perform.
WHERE: Reach Church
Prospective Parent Fine Dessert
WHO: All Tall Oaks families and their guests. (Participation is mandatory.)
WHEN: February
WHAT: This evening event showcases to parents and guests the Trivium and Classical education. Children will perform while guests enjoy a dessert.
WHERE: Red Lion Campus
Pastor Appreciation
WHO: Pastors, wives, officers and staff of all churches represented by families of the Reach Christian Schools as well as those pastors in the community who would like to know more about the schools.
WHEN: March
WHAT: Visitors are treated to a light breakfast and will have the opportunity to visit the classrooms of their church families. Parent volunteers are needed for this event. Information regarding volunteer needs is disseminated prior to the event.
WHERE: Red Lion Campus
Fine Arts
WHO: All students (Participation is mandatory.)
WHEN: February
WHAT: Tall Oaks students will recite scripture and / or poetry that they have memorized. Students are judged and graded in areas such as memorization, diction and poise. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend the recitations on Fine Arts days.
WHERE: Tall Oaks
Fine Arts Festival
WHO: All Tall Oaks families
WHEN: One week after the Fine Arts recitations
WHAT: This evening event is the culmination of the Fine Arts program. A selection of student recitations and other artistic gifts are on display, including such talents as dance, musical performances, photography, paintings, and sculptures.
WHERE: Red Lion Campus
Day of Service
WHO: All Tall Oaks students
WHEN: April
WHAT: Students working in class teams disperse throughout the community to serve churches, nursing homes and charitable organizations for the day.
WHERE: In various locations throughout the community.
WHO: 7th- 8th grade students
WHEN: April / May
WHAT: Students are given protocol training throughout the year. The year-end event involves a light reception with invited guests (friends of the school and those within the community).
WHERE: Tall Oaks
WHO: 9th- 10th grade students
WHEN: April / May
WHAT: Students are given protocol training throughout the year. The year-end evening event involves a semi-formal reception with invited guests (friends of the school and those within the community), dinner and evening event, such as a concert or a show.
WHERE: Local restaurant and theater or concert venue.
High Protocol
WHO: 11th – 12th grade students
WHEN: April / May
WHAT: Students are given protocol training throughout the year. The year-end evening event involves a semi-formal reception with invited guests (friends of the school and those within the community), dinner and evening event, such as a concert or a show.
WHERE: Local restaurant and theater or concert venue.
Spring Concert
WHO: All students (Participation is mandatory.)
WHEN: May (evening)
WHAT: Our school choirs, orchestra, and a variety of student musicians will perform.
WHERE: Reach Church
Jr / Sr Thesis Presentations
WHO: Junior and Senior students
WHAT: Junior and Senior students present and argue their theses. All Tall Oaks families and friends of the school are invited to attend.
WHERE: Tall Oaks
Field Day and Awards Assembly
WHO: All Tall Oaks students and their families.
WHEN: The last day of school.
WHAT: Students and their families will work together for a morning of family fun, including games, contests, and food concessions. Following the event, we will gather as a school for an informal awards assembly at which we will celebrate and thank God for many of the accomplishments of our students.
WHERE: Red Lion Campus
WHO: All TALL OAKS families are encouraged to attend our commencement exercises and reception.
WHEN: The Saturday after the last day of school.
WHERE: Reach Church