Jeff Jackson is a former engineer who “escaped” from the Salem nuclear power plant in 1991 to try his hand at teaching. He came to RLCA in 2000 to teach physics and math. In 1978, Jeff was saved through the ministry of his home church and has served there as elder, Sunday school teacher, Boys Brigade leader, and Christian school administrator/teacher. He married Jan in 1973, and they were blessed with four sons who are all married with children (12 grandchildren). Jeff and Jan enjoy traveling in their RV and renovating houses. In addition, Jeff enjoys wilderness canoe trips, cabinet making, and pencil/charcoal drawing (marine subjects). Jeff and Jan would like to move to a cooler, more rural location and RV more often.
B.S. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Masters of Engineering (nuclear), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute