Stephanie Ferguson has taught music in various capacities at RLCA and GCA since 2008 and currently coordinates the extracurricular Performing Arts classes for the schools. She has been part of Reach Church since 2002, where she loves leading worship through piano at the Fair Hill Campus. Since 2009, she has also run a music transcription service for fellow musicians who would like their songs transcribed to sheet music. Through the years, she has been blessed to work with some amazingly talented musicians including writers for Disney Channel shows, creators of stage musicals, and a musician from the band Cinderella. She lives in Middletown, Delaware, with her husband Chuck, two daughters (Molly, GCA class of 2017, and Emma, GCA class of 2019), and their adorable dachshund, Smiley.
B.S. University of Delaware
B.A. University of Delaware