Preschool | Kindergarten | 1st through 12th Grades
International Students | Financial Information
- Complete the online “New Student Application” - All applications must be submitted online.
UPLOAD the following documents to the online application, or drop off the documents at the Admissions Office in Red Lion’s Upper School Building.
- Birth Certificate
- Immunizations Record
- New Family Interview - Once all required documentation is received, all new students are required to meet with an administrator of their prospective schools. A New Student Application fee of $125 is due at the time of the new family interview.
- Red Lion Christian Academy applicants will interview with Mrs. Kim Jackson, Director of Early Education. - Acceptance and Enrollment - Within one week following your new family interview, you will receive notification of your child’s placement status. At that time, you will be invited to go onto the school’s website to enroll your child and electronically sign the Parent Agreement.
Two steps are required to complete enrollment:- Complete enrollment on and sign the Parent Agreement.
- Complete enrollment for FACTS Tuition Management on, and pick a tuition payment plan.
- Health Forms - The State of Delaware requires the immunization form and current physical form to be in the student’s file prior to the first day of school. If we do not have the proper forms, your student will NOT be allowed to start. If you have any questions concerning medical records, please contact the nurse at 302-834-5020, extension 828.
Kindergarten Application Process
- Complete the online “New Student Application." All applications must be submitted online.
UPLOAD the following documents to the online application or drop them off at the Admissions Office in Red Lion’s Upper School building.- Birth Certificate
- Immunizations Record
- Placement Testing - Once we have all your records for your application, the Admissions Office will call you to schedule placement testing. Placement testing for kindergarten usually takes 30-45 minutes. Testing allows the teachers to identify children who may be developmentally delayed or advanced. A New Student Application fee of $125 is due at the time of student placement testing.
- New Family Interview - Once all required documentation is received and placement testing is completed, all new students are required to meet with an administrator of their prospective schools.
- Red Lion Christian Academy applicants will interview with Mrs. Laura Helton, Director of School Operations. - Acceptance and Enrollment - Within one week following your new family interview, you will receive notification of your child’s placement status. At that time, you will be invited to go onto the school’s website to enroll your child and electronically sign the Parent Agreement.
Two steps are required to complete enrollment:
- Complete enrollment on and sign the Parent Agreement.
- Complete enrollment for FACTS Tuition Management on and pick a tuition payment plan. - Health Forms - The State of Delaware requires the immunization form and current physical form to be in the student’s file prior to the first day of school. If we do not have the proper forms, your student will NOT be allowed to start. If you have any questions concerning medical records, please contact the head nurse at 302-834-5020, extension 828.
Application Process
- Complete the Online “New Student Application.” All applications must be submitted online.
UPLOAD the following documents to the online application, or drop off the documents at the Admissions Office in Red Lion’s Upper School building.- Birth Certificate
- Most Current Report Card
- Last School Year Report Card
- Current Standardized Testing
- Behavioral Log from School
- Immunizations Record
- Current Physical
- IEP or 504 Plan (if applicable)
- Placement Testing - Once we have all your records for your application, the Admissions Office will call you to schedule placement testing. Placement testing times will vary for each grade level. We suggest that your child eats a healthy breakfast and that you pack your child a snack and a bottle of water. A New Student Application fee of $125 is due at the time of student placement testing.
Approximate Placement Testing Times
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade: 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours
4th and 5th Grade: 2 to 3 hours
6th through 12th Grade: 2 1/2 hours to 3 hours - New Family Interview - Once all required documentation is received and placement testing is completed, all new students are required to meet with an administrator of their prospective schools.
- Red Lion Christian Academy applicants:
Grades 1st-5th will interview with Mrs. Laura Helton, Director of Lower School Operations.
Grades 6th-12th will interview with Mr. Sam Osbourn, Principal. - Acceptance and Enrollment - Within one week following your new family interview, you will receive notification of your child’s placement status. At that time, you will be invited to go onto the school’s website to enroll your child and electronically sign the Parent Agreement.
Two steps are required to complete enrollment:- Complete enrollment on and sign the Parent Agreement.
- Complete enrollment for FACTS Tuition Management on and pick a tuition payment plan.
- Health Forms - The State of Delaware requires the immunization form and current physical form to be in the student’s file prior to the first day of school. If we do not have the proper forms, your student will NOT be allowed to start. If you have any questions concerning medical records, please contact the head nurse at 302-834-5020, extension 828.
International Student Admissions Policy
Thank you for your interest in Red Lion Christian Academy. Red Lion Christian Academy is authorized under Federal law to enroll non-immigrant students. Specific instructions for the application forms and other aspects of the admission process are outlined below:
- APPLICATION: All international students must apply using the schools’ application which can be found on the appropriate school’s website. Applications must be submitted no later than April 1 prior to the year of desired enrollment. Refer to the tuition schedule for all tuition and application fees. Class placement is pending available space and is not confirmed until an applicant completes the admission procedures, application, and enrollment in the FACTS tuition payment plan.
- GRADES/TRANSCRIPT: Parents and/or guardians must provide an English translation of the applicant’s grade report and/or high school transcript. Students must also use the following reference forms that will be provided before a decision of acceptance is granted.
- Mathematics Reference from the student’s current math teacher.
- English Reference from the student’s current English teacher
- School Behavioral Record in English from school administrator, teacher, or counselor
- SCHOOL ORIENTATION: If possible, all parents and students are invited to call the Admissions Office and schedule a tour of the campus. If that is not possible, new families are encouraged to explore our school website.
- TESTING: Students are required to take a school entrance/placement test which will be sent to them and must be returned for grading.
- ENGLISH PROFICIENCY: Applicants must have an English proficiency that will allow them to function in a classroom where instruction is provided only in English. Students must demonstrate their English proficiency (oral, written, and listening comprehension). Students in grades 7-10 may take one of the following exams while in their own country and have their official score results sent to the school: TOEFL iBT, TOEFL Jr., or iTEP SLATE Plus. An interview with the applicant in person or through Skype is also required. Appointments for the interview will be arranged by the Admissions Office. All first year students are required to take ELL/Learning Support. An additional fee may be required. The students will be evaluated at the end of the year to determine if additional support is required.
- HOUSING: It is the student’s responsibility to procure a host family. All host families must be approved by the Coordinator. The host family must agree to support the school’s mission and at least one adult must be fluent in English. Host families must be willing to provide room and board in a safe environment, transportation, and monitor the student’s behavior and attendance. If finding a host family is a concern or if a single point of contact to help with travel and transition services is desired, we recommend contacting Renascentia Hall International.
- ADMISSION & ENROLLMENT: Student may not exceed the age of 19 upon the day of graduation. Applicants will be notified as soon as possible after completion of the foregoing steps regarding their acceptance and admission to Red Lion Christian Academy. Prior to issuance of an I-20, applicants must complete the above process for acceptance and admission. In addition, the parent or guardian must provide:
- Copy of student passport
- Affidavit of Support and Supporting Documentation required by the SEVP
- Payment of the Registration Fee (Tuition Schedule)
- Translated emergency Medical Information Form and list of current immunizations. The school’s medical staff will evaluate necessary immunizations.
We will not be able to accept international students after October 1 unless they are transferring from a school in the United States.
- ATHLETIC AND EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Students are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular school activities. F1 visa students are permitted by the Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association to compete in school athletic competition under the following policy.
- Students are not accepted into Red Lion Christian Academy for athletic reasons and parents and athletes must sign a school addendum attesting to this fact.
- Students must submit a competed DIAA physical form prior to participation.
- F1 student participation in athletics is limited to the sub-varsity level during the first year of attendance, and students are not eligible to participate in state tournament competition during that time. Following this time period, students would then become eligible for varsity level and state tournament competition.
According to the enrollment contract, all fees are non-refundable. If a student withdraws from school after the tuition has been paid, parents will be reimbursed a prorated portion of the unused tuition minus the early withdraw fee according to the school’s reimbursement policy. Class placement will not be confirmed until after all fees and admission paperwork are received. In classes where enrollment openings are limited, applicants may be placed in a wait pool. Class placement may occur from the wait pool but is not guaranteed. Please refer to the Tuition and Fee Schedule for a list of current costs.
Financial Information
Reach Christian Schools utilizes an online company called FACTS Management to manage our tuition collection program. The system offers a variety of online payment plan options in which you can pay tuition on either the 5th or 20th of the month. There is an annual FACTS enrollment fee of $45.
Registering online with FACTS is a mandatory part of your 2017-2018 registration. You will be able to fill out your online tuition conveniently from your home or work.
Payment Plan Options
Payment Methods:
- Automatic Bank Payment (ACH) - ACH payments are those payments you have authorized FACTS to process directly through your financial institution. It is simply a bank-to-bank transfer of funds that you have pre-approved from either your checking or savings account.
- Credit Card - If you elect to use this option, your payment, along with a 2.75% convenience fee, will be automatically charged to your credit card (AMEX, MasterCard, Visa, or Discover are accepted). Paying with your credit card allows you to take advantage of various bonus programs offered by your credit card company.
Payment Options:
Tuition and Fees are paid in monthly or bi-monthly payments or paid in full. All payments are through FACTS. Families select either the 5th or 20th of the month for their payment date. If you need to change this date, please contact the Finance Department.
Once payments have been setup, FACTS automatically sends a reminder email of the scheduled payment date and amount. Reminder emails are sent a few days before the payment is due.
- Pay-In-Full - A discount is applied if total tuition is paid in full.
- Nine-Month Payment Plan - September 2017 through May 2018
- Ten-Month Payment Plan - August 2017 through May 2018
- Eleven-Month Payment Plan - July 2017 through May 2018
- Twelve-Month Payment Plan - June 2017 through May 2018
FACTS Customer Service
FACTS is committed to doing all they can to provide you with the highest quality customer service.
- To view your account online, simply go to and enter your username and password.
- To speak with a representative 24 hours a day, please call 866-441-4637.
- Reach Christian Schools looks forward to our partnership with FACTS and the efficiency and technology it brings to our schools. Should you have any questions regarding this plan, please contact Dawn Waters at 302-834-5020, ext. 838.
How to enroll in FACTS Management:
- Log onto the Facts Management website.
Be sure to have the following information ready: Account information for the person responsible for payment: bank name, account number, and the bank routing number. This information is located on your check. If paying by credit card, have your card information available. - If you have an existing FACTS account, select Sign In. If you are a new user, follow the instructions to create a FACTS payment plan account with a user name and password.
- Please add all students and their grade levels that you are going to enroll for the 2017-2018 school year.
- Before you click the submit button, please carefully read the Final Review. Notification confirming your enrollment in a FACTS payment plan online will be sent to you after you submit your agreement.
- The enrollment process will be complete at the Thank You page when you are given a FACTS agreement number. Please print that page with your agreement number on it and save for your records.
Frequently Asked Questions
- If payments are made automatically, does that mean FACTS or the school listed on my agreement has direct access to my account? NO. This is a common misconception about automatic payments. No one other than you and your financial institution has access to your account.
- How do I make changes once my agreement is on the FACTS system? If you need to change information such as an address, phone number, email address, or banking information, visit, or contact FACTS by phone. If you want to discuss changing the payment date or payment amount, you must contact the Finance Office at 302-834-5020, and your school will make the changes and notify FACTS. All changes must be received by FACTS two business days prior to the automatic payment date in order to affect the upcoming payment.
- What if my payment date falls on a weekend or holiday? If the payment date falls on a weekend or holiday, the payment will be attempted the following business day.
- When will the funds be withdrawn from my account? Although FACTS specifies the date each payment will occur, your financial institution determines the time of day the payment is debited from your account. FACTS recommends you check with your financial intuition to determine how far in advance the funds should be deposited into your account to ensure the automatic payment clears.
- What happens if FACTS attempts to process my payment, and there are not enough funds in my account? Should an automatic bank payment or credit card payment be returned, a $30.00 FACTS fee will be automatically assessed to your account. You will be notified by FACTS of the returned payment via email. A reattempt will occur four days after your scheduled payment date.
Reach Christian Schools does not discriminate in the admission of its student on the basis of religious beliefs. RCS admits students of families who support Christian values representing any race or ethnic origin and from any geographical area to the school with all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school.
Reach Christian Schools reserve the right to decline admission to a student if we feel that the school is unable to adequately provide for the student's special needs and believe that the student would be better off at another educational institution.